A Simple but brilliant product- Flameless Candles
I must give credit where credit is due and I can thank my wife for bringing this product home. I must admit I have always felt uneasy about burning candles in the home. Don’t get me wrong, I love candles. I love their warmth, the ambiance they provide, the glow. But as an insurance agent I hear about the devastation that is caused by various sources of open flame- and candles are right up there with careless cooking and cigarette smoking. Fortunately there is now a product that offers the enjoyment of a lit candle, but with a high level of safety- the flameless candle.
The candle my wife brought home is an Enjoy flameless candle. The candle has real wax so you get the look, feel, and smell of a real candle with no danger of fire from an open flame. Like the web site says the candles are “So Real You Will Try To Blow It Out”! I agree it is hard to tell the candle is not real because of the realistic LED’s and programming that causes the “flame” to flicker. I sound like a commercial and could go on but you’ve got to try these for yourself. You may save your home or business by eliminating your open flame candles. What’s more you could save a life! You can see the ones we have at www.EnjoyLighting.com .
Damon Castillo